How to Play: 7 Unique Clerics Inspired from History

Ah… the holy cleric… The support caster of support casters at the beck and call every wounded warrior. They are squeamish around blood, in chapel on a friday night, and rolling their eyes at every joke. And for most people, no matter how powerful the class is (and it is VERY powerful) that sounds… boring. Continue reading “How to Play: 7 Unique Clerics Inspired from History”

A Player’s Perspective – Episode 5 & 6

Dear Readers, I know it’s been quite awhile since my last update, but as we play this once a month, I don’t have anything to update you on but that frequently. That said, our GM for Kids on Bicycles game has had some family health issues lately that caused some delays in our playing. ToContinue reading “A Player’s Perspective – Episode 5 & 6”

Painting Update: Elven Spelljammer Ship

Just a quick update on the progress of the ship! Here are some pictures: As you can see, the work on the bottom, the fins and exception, are done. I did the filigree on the bottom as well as the metal studs which I decided to, at last minute, make copper like the rest ofContinue reading “Painting Update: Elven Spelljammer Ship”

Painting Update: Elven Spelljammer Ship – Finally!

Deer Readers, so sorry I’ve been incommunicado for the last several days. My mental health sucks sometimes. In any case, I’m feeling a lot healthier and I’m back! You all know how it is and I appreciate your patience with me. Now, with no further ado: As you can see, I’ve made some really seriousContinue reading “Painting Update: Elven Spelljammer Ship – Finally!”

Painting Update: Elven Spelljammer Ship

Hey there! I’ve been working as hard as ever on the ship, wanting to get it done by August (when the Spelljammer campaign setting comes out)! Here’s how it looks so far! As you can see, I’ve been working on the main body of the ship. Fun! Fact: I got my speed paint Mega SetContinue reading “Painting Update: Elven Spelljammer Ship”

Busy, Busy Week!

Dear Readers, it has been a long and busy week. That said, I got a little bit of painting done on the Elven Spelljammer Ship. Here’s what I got so far: It’s turning out quite well. My next project is to do the cover for the hold, and all the filagree. The filagree will beContinue reading “Busy, Busy Week!”

Quick Painting Update: New Project – Elven Spelljammer Ship

Yes, folks, you read that right. I have a new project and it’s pretty awesome, especially considering the fact that Spelljammer is right around the corner in August! Here’s what I have and how it’s come along: She still has a ways to go, but she’s coming along very easily. I can’t wait to seeContinue reading “Quick Painting Update: New Project – Elven Spelljammer Ship”

Painting Update: Lizardfolk Ranger

Oh boy, Dear Readers, do I have a surprise for you! I have completed it, and he’s beautiful. A masterpiece. I am SO proud of the job I’ve done on this miniature. Keep in mind that I’ve done minimal dry brushing, due to the nature of the mini. Also, I made a boo-boo. You’ll seeContinue reading “Painting Update: Lizardfolk Ranger”

Painting Update: Lizardfolk Ranger

Hey Dear Readers, I’m having a rough day, just to be honest. My MS symptoms are all over the place. Therefore, I only have a short painting update for you today. I did some polishing work and finished some parts. But there was a problem. I broke off a part of the cloak. I hateContinue reading “Painting Update: Lizardfolk Ranger”

Miniature Painting Update: Lizardfolk Ranger Commission

Dear Readers, I have put my Elven Bladesinger on hold so that I may instead work on a new commission of which I was requested of yesterday. It is, as the title of this post says, a lizardfolk ranger. The miniature needed a little bit of polishing before I could prime it, but that wasn’tContinue reading “Miniature Painting Update: Lizardfolk Ranger Commission”

Painting Update: Elven Wizard and a Call For Assistance

Yes, this post technically posted yesterday, but by mistake. Here it is in all its glory… Dear Readers it occurred to me that I have been referred to an elf in armor with a sword as a wizard. This is because she is my Elven Bladesinger. I may or may not have said this. ButContinue reading “Painting Update: Elven Wizard and a Call For Assistance”

Premium Content: The Inglorious Ingrates Episode 24 – The Rescue (a.k.a. Dammit Winter…)

What kind of shenanigans have the Ingrates gotten themselves into this time? Well, they’d tell you it was Winter’s fault… Also, don’t forget to subscribe! And if you want to see what kind of stuff our Premium Subscribers get, consider supporting us for only $5 per month! Next, I’m still running my Reader Satisfaction Survey.Continue reading “Premium Content: The Inglorious Ingrates Episode 24 – The Rescue (a.k.a. Dammit Winter…)”

Painting Update: Elven Bladesinger and New Etsy Purchase

Deer eaters, just a short Sunday post about what I’ve got going on. Let’s start with the Etsy Purchase. A freaking castle: It’s beautiful, isn’t it? It actually comes apart in layers for the players to adventure inside. I bought it from Centrion3D. I love their stuff, even if it is a little pricey. IContinue reading “Painting Update: Elven Bladesinger and New Etsy Purchase”

Finished Gundarr the Barbarian!

This is a short post, so be advised. I finished Gundarr! Here he is in all his glory: All I had to do is get his base done at this point. Of note, I used Agrax Earthshade by Citadel as my shader. Now to the base and spirit warrior: And that’s it! Join me nextContinue reading “Finished Gundarr the Barbarian!”

Painting Update: Gundarr the Barbarian (but only sort of…)

Dear Readers, welcome to yet another Painting Update! Here is the barbarian I’ve been working on. I started with Rigid Leather (from one of the D&D Paint sets by Army Painter; it’s a unique color not found in the standard Army Painter line) on the boots. Then I went and gave his skin a secondContinue reading “Painting Update: Gundarr the Barbarian (but only sort of…)”

Second-Hand DM Story: This Past Tuesday

Sorry for the post confusion today. I had to swap the Premium Content post day with my Friday post due to editing delays. Lots of edits in the next episode. Sorry for the confusion. As I said this past Wednesday evening, I was out of town Tuesday and Wednesday. So that I did not haveContinue reading “Second-Hand DM Story: This Past Tuesday”

Painting Update: Dropship and Elven Wizard

I know I provided a painting update earlier in the week, but I’ve gotten some progress done on both the Dropship and the wizard. So buckle up for a short painting update! So far, I’ve gotten the Dropship primed! As you can see, there are two kinds of primer on the pieces. Basically, I couldn’tContinue reading “Painting Update: Dropship and Elven Wizard”

A DM’s Perspective

Brandon, my regular author for “A Player’s Perspective” is currently away on a business trip until August or so. Therefore, I will be doing “A DM’s Perspective” which is a game summary. That said, I will still be doing “A Player’s Perspective” articles for when we play “Kids on Bicycles.” After the incident with theContinue reading “A DM’s Perspective”

Product Review: HeroQuest Remastered

Dear Readers, you cannot imagine how ridiculously excited I am to do this post. Like…seriously. *whew* Big breath… Let me tell you a little story… So there I was, heading home from running an errand when I saw a Gamestop that a friend works for. I thought “I wonder if she’s working? Hmm…I’ll stop inContinue reading “Product Review: HeroQuest Remastered”

A Short DM Story

So the Ingrates were back in Borest. They discover that a creature called a Nilbog was the actual goblin leader that they hadn’t met back in the days where they originally came to Borest. After finding their lair (a forgotten dwarven fortress; dwarves are mythical in this world, at least in these parts), they foundContinue reading “A Short DM Story”