Time of the Frostmaiden: The Lost City of Ythryn

When last we left our heroes, they were heading out at the direction of the Ranger who had found a way to the lost city.

Climbing down the large hole, they came to several pools holding Remorhaz. It wasn’t long before they attacked the party. Using his paladin ability, abjure enemies, the paladin / barbarian put the biggest one out of commission leaving the party to fight the smaller ones, making short order of them.

Continuing onwards, down yet another hole, the party found a curious site: a frozen, yet living, grove of what appeared to be enchanted purple pears. It was not long before a dryad, bound to the grove, came out to engage the party and discussion. After telling what she knew, and several attempts at charming members of the party, the party decided that her want for company could only be stated by somebody staying behind or freeing her. Because freeing her would possibly kill her in this glacier as she was magically bound to The Grove, the party cleric did the best he could by banishing her back to the Feywild.

Additionally, eating several pieces of the fruit or strange get beneficial abilities that the party could use.

Continuing on, the party came to the Lost City. The object of their search. Seeing a large building straight ahead, the party headed in, coming to what appear to be a tower based on a specific school of magic: abjuration. Seeing a glyph protecting the tower, the party mage sent it familiar in to be struck with the tower’s defenses, enabling the party to enter in. Going upstairs, the party found a huge angel chiseled with blue runes with a hammer adorned with matching runes laying upon it. It was guarded by six demos magen, ancient magical constructs, and so the party did not approach it. That said, looking at the ceiling, they found an inscription in draconic that read “first, shield thy heart with a wand from the Nether Oak.”

Consulting with Professor Skant, their professor orb, the party realized that the Grove of trees they saw previously would likely contain this exact tree.

Heading westward around the city, the party came to what looked to be an elevator, guarded by sigils from each of the schools of magic. Consulting with Professor Skant, the party believed that each of the towers of each School of magic would hold a clue as to how they were to enter into the main tower via the elevator.

Passing an ancient prison, the party proceeded to the Grove where at the center they found an enormous oak tree, some variant of a treant, that would likely attack them if they dared take from its branches. Sneaking towards the tree, the party wizard used mage hand to grab several stray branches to ensure that a wand could be fashioned.

Seeing another tower of magic, the party headed that way, stopping at a library where they came across an arcanaloth that assumed they were the librarians and asked their help in looking for a specific set of tomes, ones that contained the true names of each yugoloth ever created; a dangerous find for any of the lower planes. The party “helped” while looking onwards at a poor blind albino awakened giant penguin named Kingsport.

The poor beast reached out for help from the party, claiming the yugoloth was abusive and cruel, a fact that they watched. Deciding that this yugoloth was likely to turn on them, the party attacked it at its own surprise! The battle didn’t last long and the yugoloth fell, sending it back to its own plane of existence.

It was here the party rested, seeking to enter the tower the next day…

What will the party find there? What other secrets will they find buried in this ancient city? Will they find something to stop the Endless Winter of Icewind Dale?

Subscribe and come back next week to find out!

Until next time, Dear Readers…

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Published by The Daily DM

I'm just a DM telling the stories of my tables.

5 thoughts on “Time of the Frostmaiden: The Lost City of Ythryn

  1. wonderful post, very informative. I wonder why the other experts of this sector do not notice this. You should continue your writing. I am sure, you’ve a huge readers’ base already!


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