Exploring the Depths of HeroQuest: A Comprehensive Guide to the Game and its Expansions

Dear Readers, I’ve recently gotten a bug in my head that led me down a rabbit hole and 5 Amazon.com purchases for expansions to my (new edition) game of HeroQuest; I bought the first two expansions when I bought the core game, but I decided, at about midnight about a month ago, that I neededContinue reading “Exploring the Depths of HeroQuest: A Comprehensive Guide to the Game and its Expansions”

Eldritch Foundry: A Product Review

Dear Readers, it hasn’t been since the dice review that I have been this excited to review a product! As the name suggests, I am reviewing Eldritch Foundry’s custom miniature building website, from mini design all the way to receipt! What It Is For those unaware, Eldritch Foundry is a custom miniature building website whereContinue reading “Eldritch Foundry: A Product Review”

Cyberpunk 2077 and a Rabbit Hole

Dear Readers, as you may have gleaned from the title, I recently upgraded my computer and purchased the game Cyberpunk 2077. Firstly, may I say that this is an amazing game. The gameplay is outstanding (think Skyrim/Fallout except in a dystopian cyberpunk future!), the story is just nothing short of amazing, and the graphics…oh, theContinue reading “Cyberpunk 2077 and a Rabbit Hole”