Dear Readers,
First off, you may be wondering why I haven’t posted this week.
I recently decided that my current website and hosting needed to be changed. Sure, it’s…functional, but I really want everyone to see something worth looking at and have things organized in such a way as to make things easier to see and find.
What this means:
When my new website went under construction, it was based on the last post date of the 24th of September. Which means my last post on the 27th was not transferred and that when my new site is up, and I’ll have to repost that article. And for each new article I write between now and when the new site goes live, I’ll have to repost them.
Granted, with all of this, my new site should be up and running within a week or two, which is great.
The not-so-great part is that my new site won’t be up and running for another week or two.
Thus the hiatus.
Oh, and that’s another thing: I will likely have to “re-subscribe” all you who are email subscribers.
Needless to say, there’s a lot to migrating a website from WordPress to another web hosting company, but it’s all going to be good stuff.
Features to look forward to:
And that’s just a few things.
In fact…since I have your attention…here’s a sneak preview of the top of the landing page:
Thanks for you patience and understanding during this awesome transition!
~The Daily DM
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