It’s That Time of Year Again

Dear Readers, it is that time of year again. That time of year when the bangs, pops, booms, and other sorts of noises begin making me more than a little twitchy.

For those unaware, I am a combat vet, having served in Iraq and Afghanistan. And I despise 4th of July for that reason.

As a result, the posts I had planned for this weekend are right out the window. I slept like absolute garbage last night, and don’t expect to sleep well for the next couple of days.

Oh, well.

That said, I’m going to try and get a post together for Tuesday, probably an edition of “A Player’s Perspective” for our Kids on Bicycles game. I’ll also try to get caught up on our “A DMs Perspective” for the Ingrates for Friday, and a Painting Update sometime in there as well, maybe Thursday. Tentative plans, to be sure.

Until then, I’ll be keeping my head down and trying to concentrate on other things, like a video game or something.

In any case, happy Sunday to you all, and I’ll catch you later in the week!

Until next time, Dear Readers…

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Published by The Daily DM

I'm just a DM telling the stories of my tables.

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